Here is some advice for folk in thinking about grad school,
intermixed with comments about grad school at U Texas and my own experience
as a supervisor. Don't be in too much hurry, postpone your own decisions as
long as possible so as to have the maximum of information at hand, this is
a complex decision! (see below)
1) Choosing a school: You can choose to go to a school where there is a specific
person with whom you wish to work, OR you can choose to go to a school that
you judge to be excellent in some more general sense. The first has its disadvantages
in that the supervisor may disappoint you, and there is nowhere to go without
switching schools. Best to have both, of course, a person with whom you'd
like to work in an excellent institution, there's not necessarily a conflict.
Different schools may offer you very different financial deals. You may be
faced with a choice between a miserable deal at a place where you'd like to
be, and a much better deal at an institution with less appeal to you. This
is a nasty decision to have to make. If you have a high GPA you can sidestep
this problem by matching it with a high GRE, then getting a NSF predoctoral
fellowship. These are quite lucrative and you can take them with you if you
switch schools. You can get them either before entering grad school or during
your first year there. If you have one already, your chances of entry to the
grad school of your choice are improved. These fellowships are awarded mostly
on NUMBERS, so if your GPA is low, that doesn't mean you won't be good at
research, but it does mean that you won't get one of these fellowships. If
your GPA is very high, it's well worthwhile to put effort into the GRE scores
(verbal, quantitative and specialist subject) for this reason. Don’t
assume that an institution that has an excellent reputation in general will
have appropriate expertise for your own interests, you need to check up on
that in detail!
2) Choosing a supervisor.
2A.. Independence
First, you should think about whether you prefer to work independently or
in collaboration with an individual or group. This can be a tough one. There
have been some stunning examples of totally independent dissertations here
at UT in recent years. Successful independence brings genuine self-confidence
and makes you look a good prospect for an academic career, if that's what
you want. It doesn't matter as much if you want to go into Fish & Wildlife,
National Parks, or NGO work. On the other hand, independence is more risky
scientifically and harder emotionally, 'cos, with the best of goodwill, you
will need to depend on folk in other institutions for genuine enthusiasm about
your work. Your supervisor won’t have the time to become expert in what
you are doing, if it bears little relation to their own work. The independent
student has an increased risk of planning and carrying out experiments that
don’t mean what they seem to mean, because of lack of experience and
intuition about the study system. If you have a supervisor who works, say,
on box turtles, and you have a conceptual question that you’ve thought
about, you should be able to say “Hey, supervisor, suppose I were to
try this experiment with your turtles, will it work?” And you should
get an accurate answer, the turtle biologist should be able to tell you whether,
and how easily, those box turtles would answer your question.
What are the pluses and minuses of collaboration? Dependence on a well-funded
supervisor can be a fine situation because your supervisor can pay you Research
Assistantships and take you out of teaching, which, again, gets you moving
faster and enables you to do field work at any time of year. Here at U Texas,
you can very likely get money for the research from the Dept if your supervisor
has no money (or no money that can legitimately be used for your project).
These Dept funds might pay for your field expenses but they won’t pay
to take you out of teaching!
The dependence on a supervisor that is inherent in collaboration also carries
risks, at least two serious ones.
The first risk is that your supervisor may be misguided. One of my best former
students, Chris Thomas, came here to work with Larry Gilbert, but then he
read one of my papers (1983) and came to see me. He said (and I quote verbatim):
"Dr Singer, I read your paper in Evolution, and I thought it would be very
interesting IF TRUE. However, I did my MSc on butterflies and I'd be very
surprised if you could really do that sort of work with them. But IF you could,
I'd be very interested to follow it up for my PhD. So, what I propose to you
is this. I'll go to California with you on your field trip this summer, provided
that I can spend the first field season double-checking your published work."
Well, this degree of explicit honesty may not always be the wisest policy,
but the sentiment he expressed is indeed a wise caution. I've seen one or
two PhD's fail terribly because the student had too much trust in the Professor's
prior work. And professors can be wrong just because of bad luck, without
being dishonest.
The second difficulty with collaboration is that, again, if you wish to look
for academic employment with your PhD, you need to avoid looking as tho' you
have spent 4-6 years effectively working as your supervisor's underpaid technician.
But, on the plus side, if the supervisor is competent, you get stuff achieved
faster, especially at first.
There's no clear answer to these questions, the best strategy for you depends
a lot on your own personality. But I mention it now because it may influence
you choice of institution. Not all institutions or supervisors welcome independent
students. If independence is your aim, you need to find out if this aim is
respected. Here, it's no problem either way. About half my students have been
independent. However, it seems to me that, again just among my own students,
those who have done best academically are those who have started out initially
in collaboration, have used this to learn how to work with my study system
(Melitaeine butterflies) and have then subverted the system to their own ends,
so that they ended up obviously independent because they had tackled conceptual
questions clearly separate from those in which I had historically been interested.
Over time this process has often ended up changing my own interests. I am
now interested in patch dynamics and metapopulation structure because of my
collaborations with two students, Chris Thomas and Davy Boughton, and this
interest has brought me into collaboration with Ilkka Hanski's group in Finland
and Isabelle Olivieri's group in France. (You'll see papers by Boughton &
Thomas on this topic in my cv).
2B Choosing a supervisor: What kind of person???
I strongly recommend that you read papers before choosing a supervisor, and
ask yourself if the approach and the way it is described appeals to you esthetically
as well as being scientifically correct. Also the papers will tell you if
the prof's students are readily able to publish papers that do not bear the
prof's name. Single-author papers are not essential, but can be very useful
evidence of academic independence (that is, if you're in non-molecular ecology
behavior or evolution, rather than in molecular bio, where the supervisor's
name almost always goes on the end, for getting the money and running the
lab). When you get down to choosing between a small number of potential supervisors,
it's not a bad idea to talk with some of their past as well as current students.
Way back in 1978, one of my grad students stood at my door and said, crossly:
Mike, look at yourself! Academically, you're going down the tubes fast! How
long is it since you were in the LIBRARY, huh?"
Well, I admit I was a bit taken aback by this, but it materialized that she
was worrying that I wasn't getting famous fast enough to write influential
letters of rec for her when she graduated, and she was an academically ambitious
person. In retrospect she was right to worry about this, it matters more than
it should. But if you choose an excessively famous supervisor you often can't
get to talk to the person. So, the question from your perspective is how to
optimize the tradeoff between faculty fame and faculty accessibility, both
of which are desirable traits. I think that the ideal situation is to find
a young supervisor who's with-it in terms of what's going on in the field
of research and on the way up in fame, but not YET so famous as to be inaccessible.
This might be quite a trick, but I've observed that the very best young faculty
often go without students for years because the grapevine is too slow, students
are being advised to go with faculty who are known to the folk doing the advising,
who are out-of-date.
So, talk to prospective supervisors, size them up and read their work. Don't
be too tempted to work with those who are more willing to put themselves out
to talk with you, the folk who can most easily find the time to do that are
those who are not doing much research (or who are terribly efficient!) Be
completely selfish, do what you feel is likely to be best for yourself, both
personally (ie, in terms of lifestyle) and professionally. Some folk may have
been NICER to you than others, but you should feel no guilt at turning them
down, this decision is enormously more important to your future than to theirs!
You should evaluate their personalities only in as much as they would affect
your working environment and your enjoyment of your work. If relationships
with supervisors are an issue, it might be useful to contact the most recent
past students of potential supervisors. Those who have done well will be easily
found, those who are not employed in biology will have effectively disappeared.
I expect that all of us will have both categories! I certainly do.
Choosing a project;
The ideal project is:
1) interesting and appealing to you
2) novel
3) feasible
4) inexpensive
5) will be trendy at exactly the moment when you have it finished!