Tutorial Section
- This very simple control file will show you the basic format of the INDELible control file for nucleotide simulations.
- This very simple control file will show you the basic format of the INDELible control file for amino-acid simulations.
- This very simple control file will show you the basic format of the INDELible control file for codon simulations.
- This control file will show you how to specify different nucleotide substitution models.
- This control file will show you how to specify different amino-acid substitution models.
- This control file shows how to add gamma rates and/or a proportion of invariable sites.
- This control file shows how to specify codon substitution models & change the genetic code.
- This control file will show you how to specify different codon site models.
- This control file will show you how to specify different indel models.
- This control file will introduce you to letting models change across the tree, by showing you how to implement codon branch models where ω can vary across the tree.
- This control file will show you how to implement codon branch-site models.
- This control file will go one step further and show you how any aspect of a codon model can vary across the tree, including kappa, omega, the rates of insertion and deletion, and the insertion and deletion length distributions.
- This control file will show you how to implement changing models for nucleotide/amino-acid simulations, including changing stationary frequencies, substitution rates, levels of rate heterogeneity, indel rates and indel distributions.
- This control file will show you how to generate multi-partitioned datasets
- This control file will show you how to generate different kinds of trees.
- This control file will show you how to change a number of non-essential settings such as seeds for the random number generator, output file formats, including paup blocks etc..
Simple Examples:
Evolutionary Models:
Non-Homogenous Non-Stationary Models:
Miscellaneous other examples