//                                                                                 //
//  INDELible V1.03 control file - NUCLEOTIDE.txt                                  //
//                                                                                 //
//      An introduction to different nucleotide substitution models.               //
//                                                                                 //

  /* Again - the control file must begin with the [TYPE] statement */

[TYPE] NUCLEOTIDE 2	//  nucleotide simulation using algorithm from method 2.

  /* Many different models can be defined in a single control file */

[MODEL]    JCexample
  [submodel]  JC                     	//  JC69

[MODEL]    HKYexample
  [submodel]  HKY 2.5                	//  HKY with a=f=kappa=2.5, b=c=d=e=1
  [statefreq] 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1        	//  pi_T=0.4, pi_C=0.3, pi_A=0.2, pi_G=0.1

[MODEL]    K81example
  [submodel]  K81 1.5 2.5            	//  K81 with b=e=1.5, c=d=2.5, a=f=1

[MODEL]    GTRexample
  [submodel]  GTR 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2	//  GTR: a=0.2, b=0.4, c=0.6, d=0.8, e=1.2, f=1
  [statefreq] 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4        	//  pi_T=0.1, pi_C=0.2, pi_A=0.3, pi_G=0.4

  /* Many different trees can be defined in a single control file */

[TREE] t1  (A:0.1,B:0.1); 
[TREE] t2  ( (A:0.1, B:0.1):0.1, (C:0.3, D:0.3):0.5 );   
[TREE] t3  ( species1:0.1, species2:0.1, (species3:0.2, species4:0.2):0.01 );      
[TREE] t4  

  /* Many different partition groupings can be defined in a single control file */

[PARTITIONS] pJC   [t1 JCexample 1600] //  tree t1, model JCexample, root length of 1600
[PARTITIONS] pHKY  [t2 HKYexample 500] //  tree t2, model HKYexample, root length of 500
[PARTITIONS] pK81  [t3 K81example 988] //  tree t3, model K81example, root length of 988
[PARTITIONS] pGTR  [t4 GTRexample 754] //  tree t4, model GTRexample, root length of 754

  /* The [EVOLVE] statement is then used to list all the simulations you want to do */

  pJC 500 JCout   //  500 replicates generated from partition pJC in file JCout.fas etc
  pHKY 50 HKYout  //  50 replicates generated from partition pHKY in file HKYout.fas etc
  pK81 25 K81out  //  25 replicates generated from partition pK81 in file K81out.fas etc
  pGTR 10 GTRout  //  10 replicates generated from partition pGTR in file GTRout.fas etc


     All nucleotide substitution models (apart from UNREST) are specified in 
     relation to this general substitution rate matrix:
         FROM ||     T    |    C     |    A     |    G                  
          T   ||     -    |  a Pi_C  |  b Pi_A  |  c Pi_G                
          C   ||  a Pi_T  |     -    |  d Pi_A  |  e Pi_G                
          A   ||  b Pi_T  |  d Pi_C  |     -    |  f Pi_G                
          G   ||  c Pi_T  |  e Pi_C  |  f Pi_A  |     -                   
     where Pi_T, Pi_C, Pi_A, Pi_G are the stationary base frequencies.

     The different models are specified using the commands listed below in blue 
     (the names correspond to those used by Modeltest):

    |  N  |    Usage                         |  Notes                           |
    |  0  |   [submodel] JC                  |  a=b=c=d=e=f=1                   |
    |  1  |   [submodel] F81                 |  a=b=c=d=e=f=1                   |
    |  2  |   [submodel] K80    a            |  a=f=kappa, b=c=d=e=1            |
    |  3  |   [submodel] HKY    a            |  a=f=kappa, b=c=d=e=1            |
    |  4  |   [submodel] TrNef  a f          |  a=kappa1, f=kappa2, b=c=d=e=1   |
    |  5  |   [submodel] TrN    a f          |  a=kappa1, f=kappa2, b=c=d=e=1   |
    |  6  |   [submodel] K81    b c          |  b=e, c=d, a=f=1                 |
    |  7  |   [submodel] K81uf  a b c d e    |  b=e, c=d, a=f=1                 |
    |  8  |   [submodel] TIMef  a b c        |  b=e, c=d, f=1                   |
    |  9  |   [submodel] TIM    a b c        |  b=e, c=d, f=1                   |
    |  10 |   [submodel] TVMef  b c d e      |  a=f=1                           |
    |  11 |   [submodel] TVM    b c d e      |  a=f=1                           |
    |  12 |   [submodel] SYM    a b c d e    |  f=1                             |
    |  13 |   [submodel] GTR    a b c d e    |  f=1                             |
    |  14 |   [submodel] F84ef  k            |  b=c=d=e=1, a=(1+k/Y), f=(1+k/R) |
    |  15 |   [submodel] F84    k            |  b=c=d=e=1, a=(1+k/Y), f=(1+k/R) |
    |     |                                  |  N.B. Y=pi_T+pi_C , R=pi_A+pi_G  | 
    |  16 |   [submodel] UNREST TC TA TG CT CA CG AT AC AG GT GC        |  GA=1 |

    N.B. N can be substituted for the model name.  
    e.g. [submodel] 0 instead of [submodel] JC 

     For the models with even N (0-16) the base frequencies are set automatically.

     For models with odd N (1-15) the base frequencies are given using the command: 

       [statefreq] Pi_T Pi_C Pi_A Pi_G

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