//                                                                                 //
//  INDELible V1.03 control file - indels.txt                                      //
//                                                                                 //
//      Adding indels to a nucleotide, amino-acid or codon substitution model      //
//                                                                                 //

[TYPE] AMINOACID 2            //  amino-acid simulation using algorithm from method 2

[MODEL] mymodel1              // this is identical to mymodel2
  [submodel]     WAG          
  [insertmodel]  POW 1.7 500  // Power law insertion length distribution (a=1.7, M=500)
  [deletemodel]  POW 1.7 500  // Power law deletion length distribution (a=1.7, M=500)
  [insertrate]   0.1          // insertion rate = 0.1 relative to substitution rate of 1
  [deleterate]   0.1          // deletion rate = 0.1 relative to substitution rate of 1

[MODEL] mymodel2              // this is identical to mymodel1
  [submodel]     WAG          
  [indelmodel]   POW  1.7 500 // Power law insertion/deletion length distribution (a=1.7)
  [indelrate]    0.1          // insertion rate = deletion rate = 0.1
                              // relative to average substitution rate of 1.   
[MODEL] mymodel3              // insertion/deletion lengths and rates can be different.
  [submodel]     WAG          
  [insertmodel]  NB  0.2 4    // Pascal insertion length distribution (q=0.2, r=4)
  [deletemodel]  LAV 1.8 500  // Lavalette deletion length distribution (a=1.8, M=500)
  [insertrate]   0.1          // insertion rate = 0.1 relative to substitution rate of 1
  [deleterate]   0.2          // deletion rate = 0.2 relative to substitution rate of 1
[MODEL] mymodel4              // insertion/deletion lengths and rates can be different.
  [submodel]     JTT          
  [insertmodel]  NB  0.4 1    // Geometric insertion length distribution (q=0.4, r=1)
  [insertrate]   0.1          // insertion rate = 0.1 relative to substitution rate of 1
                              // deletion rate = 0 relative to substitution rate of 1

[TREE] t1  (A:0.1,B:0.1);             

[PARTITIONS] Pname1 [t1 mymodel1 1000] // tree t1, model mymodel1, root length 1000
[PARTITIONS] Pname2 [t1 mymodel2 1000] // tree t1, model mymodel2, root length 1000
[PARTITIONS] Pname3 [t1 mymodel3 1000] // tree t1, model mymodel3, root length 1000
[PARTITIONS] Pname4 [t1 mymodel4 1000] // tree t1, model mymodel4, root length 1000

[EVOLVE]     Pname1 10 outputname1     // 10 replicates generated from partition Pname1
             Pname2 10 outputname2     // 10 replicates generated from partition Pname2
             Pname3 10 outputname3     // 10 replicates generated from partition Pname3
             Pname4 10 outputname4     // 10 replicates generated from partition Pname4


   New commands that are relevant to insertions and deletions (indels) are:

   Sets the rate of insertion relative to an average substitution rate of 1.
   Sets the rate of insertion relative to an average substitution rate of 1.
   Sets the rate of insertion AND deletion to be equal. It is equivalent 
   to specifying [insertrate] and [deleterate] to have the same value.
   If [insertrate] & [indelrate] are not specified then rate of insertion is zero.
   If [deleterate] & [indelrate] are not specified then rate of deletion is zero.

   Works the same as [indelmodel] but only sets the insertion length distribution.

   Works the same as [indelmodel] but only sets the deletion length distribution.

   This sets the insertion and deletion length distributions at the same time. 
   It is equivalent to specifying the commands [insertmodel] and [deletemodel] 
   to have the same value.  Options for this command are:
   (1)  [indelmodel]  NB   q  r               //  Negative Binomial Distribution
   (2a) [indelmodel]  POW  a                  //  Zipfian Distribution 
   (2b) [indelmodel]  POW  a  M               //  Zipfian Distribution 
   (3)  [indelmodel]  LAV  a  M               //  Lavalette Distribution
   (4)  [indelmodel]  USER mylengthmodel.txt  //  User-Defined Distribution

   (1)  This specifies a Pascal (negative binomial) distribution where q is a 
        decimal (0<=q<=1) and r is an integer (r>0).

   (2a) This specifies a Zipfian (power law) distribution where a is a decimal (a>1).

   (2b) This also specifies a Zipfian distribution where a is a decimal (a>1).
        However with this format indels longer than length M are not permitted.
        This format is highly recommended for small values of a because 
        of the fat-tailed shape of the resulting distribution.

   (3)  This specifies a Lavalette distribution where a is a decimal (a>1) and M is 
        an integer (M>1) representing the maximum indel length.

   (4)  This specifies a user-defined indel length model. The file mylengthmodel.txt 
        should be in the same directory as the INDELible executable and contain a 
        list of relative frequencies (in order of increasing indel length) 
        separated by white space, like this.

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