PhD Thesis:

Computational Statistics in Molecular Phylogenetics

The bulk of my PhD has been taken up developing a new software package called INDELible. It simulates biological evolution and offers many unique features unavailable in other programs. I hope that it will enable interesting and previously unexplored avenues of scientific research to be pursued.

If you would like to download my software or find out more about its features then please click here.

If you would like to know a little bit about the motivation for the project then please click here.

If you are new to my area of research then you might like to read this first!

If you like to read about how INDELible's unique ability to simulate under codon models incorporating indels has been used to evaluate the branch-site test for positive selection then please click here.

I plan to add more information on the other work I have undertaken for my PhD in the near future, but for now you might like to read below about some other projects I have been involved in.

Predicting the outcome of Sports Events

I am currently employed as a Quantitative Analyst at SmartOdds Ltd, a market leading company providing statistical research and football modelling services in the betting sector. As part of the Quantitative Team I am involved in researching and applying innovative new methods to develop and implement predictive statistical models for sporting events, in order to provide a basis for our traders to make profitable betting decisions on behalf of our clients. Currently I am concentrating on modelling Football and NFL, and finding the position very enjoyable and challenging!


BioNews is a highly respected web- and email-based source of news, information and comment on assisted reproduction, human genetics and embryo research, published weekly by the Progress Educational Trust (PET) since 1999. A completely free service, BioNews aims to keep users up to date with developments and provide them with a range of engaging opinion on ethical and policy issues. The weekly BioNews email, published every Monday, is read by over 10,000. I write a news stories for BioNews when I have the time and you can read some of my recent stories here.

Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology

In 2008 the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), who fund my PhD, seconded me for a three month fellowship at the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST). Whilst there I undertook research on the topic of eDemocracy and travelled round the country interviewing activists and leaders from academia, politics and industry, on behalf of POST. You can read my final four page POSTnote that was submitted to Parliament here.

Selected Other Mathematical Modelling Projects

An Investigation of Quantum Field Theories (on a space-time lattice) using Monte Carlo Simulations (MSc)

In this paper I aim to provide an introduction to Monte Carlo simulations in general and then apply them to the study of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, the free scalar field, and the Sinh-Gordon and Sin-Gordon fields in two dimensions, using a space-time lattice. Numerical results are compared to theoretical predictions and discussed.

A Computer Simulation of Micturition (MRes)

A modified version of the micturition model proposed by Hübener et al in 1994 is presented. Relations between variables in the model are derived and explained then simulations are compared to published urodynamical data. Finally, the model is compared to other published models, and its implications and limitations are discussed.

An attempt to model ion conductance when a SICM approaches a flat surface (MRes)

In this small paper Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy, it’s development, design and use are introduced. The theory behind modelling ion current flow into the SICM probe tip and the problems involved with analytically modelling the current flow are then briefly discussed. A numerical simulation using the Finite Difference Method is then used to model the current flow as the microscope probe tip approaches a flat non conducting surface. I am pleased to say that this small project of mine provided the inspiration for a colleague to pursue their PhD on this subject.